Make sure you're following Peace Collective on Instagram to qualify:




The Peace Collective PS5™ Community Giveback Contest (“Contest”) begins on December 3, 2020 at 11:00:01 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) and ends on December 9, 2020 at 11:59:59 p.m. ET (“Contest Period”).  


The Contest is open to all residents of Canada, excluding Quebec, who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory of residence at the time of entry.  Employees, officers, directors, representatives or agents, as well as those with whom such persons reside or are otherwise domiciled, whether related or not, and members of the immediate family (mother, father, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and spouse/partner, regardless of where they reside) of Peace Collective (“Sponsor”), its advertising/promotion/web design agencies, , Instagram, LLC (“Instagram”), the prize supplier, Sony Interactive Entertainment Canada Inc. (“SIEC”), and any entity involved in the development, production, implementation, administration or fulfillment of the Contest, and each of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates (collectively, the “Contest Parties”) are not eligible to enter or win.


NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.  To participate in this Contest, entrants must have a valid Instagram account.  Entrants who do not have an Instagram account can visit (“Website”) and follow the instructions provided to register for a free account.

To enter during the Contest Period, visit the Sponsor’s Instagram (@PeaceCollective), Facebook (@thePeaceCollective), or Twitter page (@PeaceCollectiv3) and click on the link provided within the Sponsor’s bio. Then, fully complete and submit the Contest entry form found at the link, including but not limited to your name, birthday, city, email, Instagram handle, and an essay describing how you are making a difference in your community.  To be eligible, the essay must be original and be a minimum of one hundred (100) and a maximum of two hundred fifty (250) words in length.  All entrants must also follow @PeaceCollective on Instagram at all times during the Contest Period.

Each entrant will receive one (1) entry (each an “Entry”, collectively “Entries”) when the entrant enters the Contest using the method described above and in accordance with these Official Rules and Regulations (“Rules”).  Any Entry that does not follow the above format as determined by Sponsor will be ineligible for entry in this Contest.  Entries must not infringe, misappropriate or violate any third party’s rights, including, without limitation, copyright, trademark, right of publicity, right of privacy or trade secret and not contain any content that is offensive, illegal, obscene or that is otherwise objectionable to Sponsor, in its sole discretion.  By submitting an Entry in this Contest, each entrant certifies that the Entry submitted constitutes the entrant’s own unpublished work, and agrees to transfer all copyright to the Sponsor, and to waive all moral rights in and to such work.  Further, the entrant confirms by submitting an Entry that no other person has any intellectual property rights or other interest in the Entry submitted and, further, confirms that in the event the entrant is a winner in the Contest, acceptance of the Prize will not result in the winner breaching the terms of any other agreement with a third party.  For greater certainty, each entrant shall indemnify the Released Parties (as hereinafter defined) against any liability for any claims and associated costs that may be brought against them by any third parties with respect to any intellectual or other property rights in the submitted Entry.


There is a limit of one (1) Entry per person during the Contest Period.  If it is discovered by the Sponsor (using any evidence or other information made available to or otherwise discovered by the Sponsor), that any person has attempted to: (i) obtain more than one (1) Entry per person during the Contest Period; and/or (ii) use (or attempt to use) multiple names, identities, accounts, and/or any automated, macro, script, robotic or other system(s) or program(s) to enter or otherwise participate in or disrupt this Contest; then said entrant may be disqualified from the Contest in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor.  The Released Parties are not responsible for late, lost, misdirected, delayed, incomplete or incompatible Entries (all of which are void). 

All Entries are subject to verification at any time and for any reason.  The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to require proof of identity and/or eligibility (in a form acceptable to the Sponsor – including, without limitation, government issued photo identification): (a) for the purposes of verifying an individual’s eligibility to participate in this Contest; (b) for the purposes of verifying the eligibility and/or legitimacy of an Entry entered (or purportedly entered) for the purposes of this Contest; and/or (c) for any other reason the Sponsor deems necessary, in its sole and absolute discretion, for the purposes of administering this Contest in accordance with these Rules.  Failure to provide such proof to the satisfaction of the Sponsor in a timely manner may result in disqualification in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor.  The sole determinant of the time for the purposes of a valid Entry in this Contest will be the Contest server machine(s).


There are five (5) prizes (each a “Prize”, collectively “Prizes”) available to be won in the Contest, each consisting of one (1) PlayStation 5 console (disc version - including one (1) DualSense wireless controller, one (1) DualSense USB charging cable, one (1) ASTRO’s PLAYROOM (pre-installed, system software update may be required. Internet connection required for update), one (1) base, one (1) HDMI cable, and (1) AC power cord).  The total approximate retail value of each Prize is Six Hundred Twenty Nine Canadian Dollars and Ninety Nine Canadian Cents (CAD$629.99) 

Prizes must be accepted as awarded and are not transferable, assignable or convertible to cash (except as may be specifically permitted by Sponsor in its sole and absolute discretion).  No substitutions except at Sponsor’s option.  Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to substitute any Prize with a prize of equal or greater value without liability.  A Prize will only be awarded to the person whose verifiable full name and valid email address appears on, or whose verifiable email account is the source of, a selected Entry. 


On or about December 11th, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. ET at the offices of the Sponsor, the Sponsor, Peace Collective and/or their respective designated representative(s) (collectively, “Judges”) will review all eligible Entries received in the Contest.  The Judges’ review will rank each Entry based on a scale of one (1) to ten (10) (ten (10) being the best) for each of the following equally weighted categories: 

1) Cause:  How well does the Entry describe the entrant’s chosen community cause or goal? 

2) Commitment:  Does the Entry clearly communicate why the entrant is committed to the entrant’s chosen community cause/goal?

3) Inspiration:  Is the Entry effective in describing who or what inspired the entrant to pursue the entrant’s chosen community cause/goal? 

The points awarded by the Judges in each category will be averaged to create one (1) score in each category for each entrant.  Each entrant’s overall score will then be determined by totalling the average scores he/she received in the “Cause”, “Commitment” and “Inspiration” categories.  The entrants that receive the top five (5) scores will be the winners (subject to eligibility verification).  If necessary, ties will be broken by comparing the individual scores for the “Cause” category. If there is still a tie after comparing “Cause” scores, the Judges will compare the scores in each of the remaining categories until the tie is broken using the following order: “Commitment” and “Inspiration”. 

The Sponsor or its designated representative will make a minimum of five (5) attempts to contact the selected entrants within seven (7) business days of the Selection Date.  If a selected entrant cannot be contacted within seven (7) business days of the Selection Date, or if there is a return of any notification as undeliverable; then said selected entrant may, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor, be disqualified (and, if disqualified, will forfeit all rights to the Prize) and the Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion and time permitting, to select an alternate eligible entrant from among the remaining eligible Entries based upon the next highest scoring Entry as determined by the Judges (in which case the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply to such newly selected entrant).

BEFORE BEING DECLARED A CONFIRMED PRIZE WINNER, each selected entrant will be required to: (a) correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question without mechanical or other aid; and (b) sign and return within seven (7) business days of notification the Sponsor’s declaration and release form, which (among other things): (i) confirms compliance with these Rules; (ii) acknowledges acceptance of the Prize as awarded; (iii) releases the Contest Parties and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from any and all liability in connection with this Contest, his/her participation therein and/or the awarding and use/misuse of the Prize or any portion thereof; and (iv) agrees to the publication, reproduction and/or other use of his/her name, address, voice, Entry, statements about the Contest and/or photograph or other likeness without further notice or compensation, in any publicity or advertisement carried out by or on behalf of the Sponsor in any manner whatsoever, including print, broadcast or the internet.  If a selected entrant: (a.1) fails to correctly answer the skill-testing question; (b.1) fails to return the properly executed Contest documents within the specified time; (c.1) cannot accept (or is unwilling to accept) the Prize as awarded for any reason; and/or (d.1) is determined to be in violation of these Rules (all as determined by the Sponsor in its sole and absolute discretion); then he/she may, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Sponsor, be disqualified (and, if disqualified, will forfeit all rights to the Prize) and the Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion and time permitting, to randomly select an alternate eligible entrant from among the remaining eligible Entries (in which case the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply to such newly selected entrant).  Each selected entrant’s guest will also be required to sign and return Sponsor’s declaration and release form.


No royalties, guarantees or advances (monetary or other) will be awarded for use by the Sponsor of the Entries of the winners or any entrant in this Contest.  All Entries become the property of the Sponsor. This Contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws.  The decisions of the Sponsor with respect to all aspects of this Contest are final and binding on all entrants without right of appeal, including, without limitation, any decisions regarding the eligibility/disqualification of Entries and/or entrants.  By participating in this Contest, entrants agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions of these Rules. ANYONE DETERMINED TO BE IN VIOLATION OF THESE RULES FOR ANY REASON IS SUBJECT TO DISQUALIFICATION IN THE SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION OF THE SPONSOR AT ANY TIME.  

The Released Parties will not be liable for: (i) any failure of the Website during the Contest; (ii) any technical malfunction or other problems relating to the telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment or software; (iii) the failure of any Entry to be received, captured or recorded for any reason, including, but not limited to, technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website; (iv) any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer or other device related to or resulting from participating in the Contest; and/or (v) any combination of the above. 

In the event of a dispute regarding who submitted an Entry, Entries will be deemed to have been submitted by the authorized account holder of the email account provided at the time of entry.  Authorized account holder” is defined as the person who is assigned an email account by an Internet access provider, on-line service provider or other organization responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domains associated with the submitted e-mail address.  An entrant may be required to provide proof (in a form acceptable to the Sponsor – including, without limitation, government issued photo identification) that he/she is the authorized account holder of the email account associated with the Entry in question.

The Sponsor reserves the right, to withdraw, amend or suspend this Contest (or to amend these Rules) in any way, in the event of an error, technical problem, computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failure or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Sponsor that interferes with the proper conduct of this Contest as contemplated by these Rules.  Any attempt to deliberately damage any website or to undermine the legitimate operation of this Contest in any way (as determined by Sponsor in its sole and absolute discretion) is a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, the Sponsor reserves the right to seek remedies and damages to the fullest extent permitted by law.  The Sponsor reserves the right, to cancel, amend or suspend this Contest, or to amend these Rules, in any way without prior notice or obligation, in the event of any accident, printing, administrative, or other error of any kind, or for any other reason whatsoever.  

By entering this Contest, each entrant expressly authorizes the Sponsor and its agents and/or representatives, to store, share and use the personal information submitted with his/her Contest Entry for the purpose of administering the Contest, unless the entrant otherwise agrees.  Visit Sponsor’s Privacy Policy regarding collection, use and disclosure of personal information.  

Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, and without prior notice, but with the consent of the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux to adjust any of the dates and/or timeframes stipulated in these Rules, to the extent necessary, for purposes of verifying compliance by any entrant or Entry with these Rules, or as a result of any technical or other problems, or in light of any other circumstances which, in the opinion of the Sponsor, in its sole and absolute discretion, affect the proper administration of the Contest as contemplated in these Rules, or for any other reason.  In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of these Rules and disclosures or other statements contained in any Contest-related materials; the terms and conditions of these Rules shall prevail, govern and control to the fullest extent permitted by law.

This Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram and SIEC. Entrants are providing their information to the Sponsor and not to Instagram or SIEC. The information provided by entrants for purposes of this Contest will only be used for the administration of this Contest and in accordance with the Sponsor’s privacy policy. Instagram and SIEC are released of all liability by each participant in this Contest.  Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Contest must be directed to the Sponsor.